
Showing posts from May 24, 2009

In Quest of Transparency

Years back, the founding fathers of Indian Democracy in a bid to ensure good governance drafted the constitution. The historical document was meant to let the people of India understand their rights and limitations to sustain a true democratic set up Looking back now after decades, we may comment that the noble intention of the initiators was only partly fulfilled. Why partly? While the people of India have by and large understood the importance of their mandate in electing successive Governments in power, they could hardly contribute much beyond that. Politicians, irrespective of their color and creed, taking advantage of absence of mass awareness and abject poverty of majority developed the habit of thinking themselves rulers instead of entrusted public servants. Once in position of power they have taken the people of India, who have given them the mandate to govern, for granted. Transparency and accountability which are the true ingredients of a democratic government remained hidde