
Showing posts from February 22, 2009


Rao Bahadur (also Raobahadur and Rai Bahadur; abbreviated R.B) is a title of honor issued in India to individuals who have performed great service to the nation. Literally translated "Rao" implies "prince" and "Bahadur" means "most honorable." This title was awarded to Indians, both Hindu and Christian. During the British Rule, the Rao Bahadur was accompanied by a medal. The equivalent title for Muslim and Parsi subjects was Khan Bahadur.-Wikipedia Raibahadurs are extinct now. But it was not so even around five decades back. In and around Rashbehari, Bhowanipur and Ballygaunge areas there were a number of mini palatial buildings with gardens at the front behind large wrought iron gates which used to display names of the owners of the buildings prefixing "Raibahadur" . In my early years, while I was in my morning schools I developed the habit of walking around the Kolkata roads most of the day. I could find a number of those build